Saturday, February 9, 2008

manhunt contestant posed nude... (what's new? ;-p)

this is the day & age of the high speed broadband internet, where the entire world is hooked up wirelessly... skeletons can no longer be kept in the closet.

Just as the edison scandal is brewing in HK and spreading all over the region and even getting reported by CNN; in Singapore, another scandal is brewing as well.

Well as they say a picture speaks a thousand words, so here are the pictures for your viewing pleasure, several thousand words worth!

here's just an initial teaser of the series of infamous pics... ;-) stay tuned for more updates


D C said...

Hey can you send me the mother load of pictures of Dexter, aka Jake aka Ng Ming Han... please...

Rob said...

This pic of "Jake" is one of my series of him.
You have not asked permission to use it and I am unsure how you got it even.
I would like you to remove it please unless you ask permission and use only photos of mine showing the KewlPics logo.